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Home Safety Tip:  Remove snow around your furnace, water heater, and natural gas meter venting

Be sure to check on clearance between your gas meter and snow during Winter months. 

By Frank Lundeen - 218 Inspect Home Inspections

Winter Home Safety Tip:

Here in the Northland, the snow is DEEP this time of year!  Deep snow pack, particularly drifts, can get so deep that they can cover parts of your gas meter or furnace / hot water heater venting.  This can cause a very dangerous situation, including a dangerous carbon monoxide issue, or shutting your furnace down during a cold time of the year!


Snow pack or drifts covering exterior furnace, hot water heater, or gas meter venting is actually a leading cause of HVAC repair calls during big snow Winters.  Having a HVAC technician come out to shovel for 2 minutes around your venting and/or gas meter is a costly endeavor that you (and probably the HVAC repair company) don't want!


Be sure to check on your Gas meter, and any HVAC intake/exhaust vents to make sure that there is plenty of clearance between them and the snow. We recommend shoveling the area around your gas meter & HVAC vents to ensure they don't become covered in snow - ensuring your safety & comfort.

This for reading this 218 Inspect Blog post!  Head on over to my official website for all kinds of home safety & maintenance tips & for info on my home inspection services!

Don't leave your home purchase to chance - arrive at your closing with confidence! Choose 218 Inspect for your home inspection today!

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Be sure to check on clearance between your gas meter and snow during Winter months. 

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