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Home Safety Tip:  Clean Your Laundry Dryer Vent And Ducting

Cleaning your laundry dryer vent is a critical maintenance item from a safety & efficiency perspective! 

By Frank Lundeen - 218 Inspect Home Inspections 

According to the US Fire Association / FEMA, 2900 clothes dryer fires are reported each year - causing $35 million in annual property losses.  The leading cause of these fires is the "failure to clean" the venting system.  For all of the data on this, check out the official report from the US Fire Association

Sadly, I know of people who have tragically had their home burn down due to a clothes dryer fire (likely due to not cleaning the dryer venting and/or filter), as well as folks whom have had vermin (squirrels, chipmunks, etc) enter their home through dryer vents that were stuck in the open position due to the vent not being cleaned.  Lastly, clothes dryer vents being obstructed or stuck open can have a real effect on home energy efficiency in two ways:

A badly plugged/obstructed exterior dryer vent stuck in the open position - which can cause all kinds of problems that homeowners don't want... 

Thankfully, all of these problems can be avoided by performing some simple maintenance (by a professional, or savvy homeowner - always following the manufacturer's instructions):

Photo credit HERE 

There you have it - giving your clothes dryer & dryer venting a bit of love can improve the safety of your home, keep vermin out, and reduce your home energy bill!

Thank you for reading & keep 218 Inspect Home Inspections in mind for your home inspection needs in the greater Duluth, MN area!

Don't leave your home purchase to chance - arrive at your closing with confidence! Choose 218 Inspect for your home inspection today!

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